Draft Customer Service Strategy on exhibition

3 March, 2016Posted in: Other
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Wingecarribee Shire Council is seeking comment from residents after councillors endorsed the draft Customer Service Strategy which commenced public exhibition this week.

The draft Customer Service Strategy outlines the key principles and actions Council will take to help achieve the organisational vision of innovation, effectiveness and strong leadership.

The draft document follows a request from councillors to undertake a review of Council’s Customer Services, including the development of a draft Customer Service Strategy.

The draft strategy features five key themes which are designed to develop and provide purpose, direction and commitment to fostering a customer focused culture across Council.

These themes are:

  1. Understand and engage with our customer
  2. Provide services in easy, accessible, consistent and timely ways
  3. Collect, assess, measure and simplify what we do
  4. Equip our staff with the skill, knowledge and attitude to serve
  5. Deliver on our promise

The draft document will be on exhibition until Monday 28 March 2016.

The document can be viewed online at www.yoursaywingecarribee.com.au or at Council’s Moss Vale Civic Centre and at Council’s libraries.

Feedback and submissions must be made by 9.00am on Monday 28 March 2016 via:

Wingecarribee Shire Council

PO Box 141

Moss Vale  NSW  2577

Following the close of the exhibition period, all submissions will be considered and a final report will be presented to Council.