Council launches LOOK pedestrian safety campaign

11 May, 2015Posted in: Roads and Assets

Wingecarribee Shire Council is asking motorists to keep an eye out for pedestrians the next time they get behind the wheel with the launch of their new road safety campaign.

Council’s Road Safety Officer Melanie Lausz explained the initiative behind the LOOK Pedestrian Safety program.

“Our Shire’s roads are enjoyed by a range of users,” she said.  “Motorists, cyclists and pedestrians all share the streets.”

“But as one can imagine, the severity of injuries sustained by pedestrians with vehicles can be intrinsically greater than those suffered by the occupants of vehicle-only crashes.”

Statistics from 2009-2013 Transport for NSW crash summary report reveal that across the State pedestrians account for 9.5 per cent of all casualty crashes.  Here in our Shire that figure sits at 4.4 per cent.

“That 4.4 per cent equates to five lives lost on our Shire’s roads in just five years as a direct result of pedestrian related accidents,” Ms Lausz added.

“We’re urging motorists to be extra careful around areas like schools and shopping centres where people may be out and about walking.

“And conversely we’re urging pedestrians to be extra vigilant when they use the road.

“This may include looking twice before they cross, using pedestrian crossings when they’re available or wearing brighter clothes when going for their early morning walk,” she said.

Other tips as part of the LOOK Pedestrian Safety campaign include holding the hands of young children and avoiding distractions such as mobile phones or headphones when crossing the road.

As part of the initiative high pedestrian usage areas around Bowral, Mittagong and Moss Vale will be stamped with the “LOOK” message.

“LOOK messages have been stenciled at key intersections, traffic signals and pedestrian crossings across the Shire where we know we get a lot of foot traffic,” Ms Lausz added.

“It’s just another visible reminder for all pedestrians to take that extra moment of care before crossing the road.”

Help support the LOOK Pedestrian Safety campaign by filling out a short survey at:

For more information contact Council’s Road Safety Officer on phone 4868 0809.