Swimming pool safety during thunderstorms

25 January, 2013Posted in: Community
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To ensure the safety of all swimming pool patrons, Wingecarribee Shire Council is reminding residents that during thunderstorms, lifeguards will evacuate Council’s public swimming pools in accordance with guidelines set by the Royal Life Saving Society.

Patrons will be asked to evacuate the pool when a storm is deemed to be within 10km of the facility and swimming activities may not resume until the storm has passed which, as a general rule, will be 30 minutes after the last thunderclap is heard.

During the coming months, storms can be a regular occurrence and Council is asking swimmers to be patient and to evacuate the swimming pools quickly and safely when requested. The safety of patrons is the top priority for pool staff so, despite the inconvenience a storm may cause, instructions given by lifeguards are to be followed at all times.

While qualified lifeguards are on duty at all Wingecarribee Shire Council Swimming Centres, the Royal Life Saving Society’s Keep Watch @ Public Pools program is also in effect. This initiative helps parents and carers of children to understand their responsibilities and the dangers of leaving children unattended at the pool.

Parents and guardians are responsible for their children at all times while visiting the public pools.

The key principles of this initiative are:

Children aged 0-5 and non-swimmers:
Give them all your attention. Stay close to them (within arm’s reach). Watch them continuously.

Children aged 6-10 years:
Constant active supervision is required. Be prepared to get wet or enter the water.

Children aged 11-14:
It is recommended you physically check up on them on a regular basis.

For further information on pool safety during thunderstorms or the Keep Watch initiative please ask at your local swimming centre.